Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cut the Cheese!

One of my favorite cups for coffee

The title of this entry might be a bit misleading. It's not really about passing gas. Altho, I do occasionally have the walking grandma farts when I first get out of bed. (TMI) Sometimes I wonder if I get to be in a healthy marriage someday,  how I'm going to prevent this. When you live alone, you have some, not so glamorous habits.
   I love cheese! I love good cheese. Jarlsburg, swiss, extra sharp Cheddar, blue cheese, I love it all. I can even be a bit of a snob. Altho a pot of mac and cheese made with velveeta would make my head turn. Most cheese is roughly 100 calories an ounce! That's the size of the tip of your thumb. I don't know about you but I can eat 5 or 6 ounces without batting an eye. I keep buying cheese, with the intention of eating it moderately. But a block of cheese in the fridge is like having pan of fudge on the counter. It usually calls me in the middle of the night, and I can sometimes end up eating cheese and crackers over the sink, in a dimly lit house.
   As of now all the cheese is out of my house. Except some shreaded cheddar in the freezer. I can restrained myself from that. Why is it we rationalize things in out head? I know I could have a love affair with a pound of Jarlsbourg. So why buy it? Isn't getting healthy way, way more important? I have chubby friends that constantly have temptationional food in their cupboards for their husband, children and grandchildren. And who ends up eating most of it? You! Don't you think your family members would gladly give up the convience of having those chips in the cupboard just to have you around a few more years? If they don't, then you have a bigger problem. If they truly love you, they will get on board. you must have full suport from your loved ones. (I said suport, not shame) They can get their chips outside your home. And if they really care, they will. But if you are anything like me, you don't address this issue because secretly or even unconsciously you want that stuff around. If you are addicted to food like me, there is a false calmness that comes after you have grocery shopped and your cupboards are full of food. I spend a lot of time in my head planning my next meal. This is part of that God shaped hole in my soul that I keep shoving food into. Only God can fill that place.
   I have been wanting to write on this blog about my awesome workouts with my trainers at the Y and talk a bit about an amazing life coach I am working with. But that will be another day. I don't believe it takes village to raise a child. I kinda think that's the parents responsibility. But I do believe it takes a village sometimes, to lose weight. We need a suport team each specializing in theirown specific area.
  Thanks for reading! I'm posting a picture of my no knead bread I made last week. It's so amazing. There is a lesson somewhere regarding taking simple ingredients such as flour, yeast, salt and water,
and creating an amazing loaf of bread. God does that with us. He takes the bare basics and makes us into dynamic human beings every day. Be blesses!

Here is a link to the recipe. It's the best and easiest bread you will ever make! 

1 comment:

  1. It's great that you can identify the problems and that you are dealing with them. It's easy to think you'll do better or you can handle it, but there are many foods that do that to me. If they are in the house, I will eat them. I do buy some things for my family that don't bother me as treats but really, if they aren't good for me, they probably aren't good for them either.
