Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Chili Day in Nebraska

A  New Day!
   Yesterday was such a great day. My workouts feel better, it is turning into a different kind of pain. I'm walking more and better. I really made a connection with my trainers yesterday. It was like we were on the same page. Until yesterday, I just did what I was told (most of the time). Yesterday I got on board planning my new health lifestyle. I could tell on their faces they felt the same. It's a funny thing to change your life. It's like waking from a coma. I was in a fog for a while, and now, I see things clearer.

   Now I'm not doing everything perfectly. I still struggle with getting myself going, and out of that depressing state of mind. But I act on fact rather than feelings, most of the time. I don't feel like getting going in the morning, but I know in spite of what I feel, I have several things I need to do in my day to reach my goal, and I can't do them from my bed!  Sometimes you just have to think baby steps. Just do something, is my motto these days.

    I'm not a menu planner. I can't live that way, anymore than I could plan what I'm going to wear weeks in advance. Now I'm not suggesting you throw your menus out the window. Everyone had different ways of doing things. So, tonight I just did not know what to make for Dinner. I had a pound of ground beef thawing. What I wanted was my all time binge food, Spaghetti in a Bolognese sauce, with tons of parmigiano reggiano sprinkled on top of a mountain of pasta. I needed to make something healthy, and satisfying. So, I chopped tons of onions, and peppers, browned the beef, and made some very healthy lite chili. It's simmering on the stove as I write this. I will measure the amount of oyster crackers I use. I had to make something I liked so I would not feel I was punishing myself. My point is, sometimes I look at things too black and white. I use to think if I did not get what I wanted I was denying myself and felt deprived. But usually there is a grey area. I also had to tell myself that I could make my pasta dish any time, Spaghetti noodles were going to be around the rest of my life. Sometimes it's just easier to not say no, just say, not now.

   I won't be eating cinnamon rolls with my chili, as all good midwesterners do. I 'll have some fresh veggies and hummus. Just for tonight. Some other day, maybe, just not tonight. Sometimes it just seems like I get a craving and I seem to react like it's my only opportunity to eat what I'm craving. This whole food thing, is so hard to get in perspective. But I won't give up! I've always felt I would get healthy, and this is my time. Blessings everyone!


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