Monday, January 28, 2013

Weigh in Day

I have my trainers coming tomorrow, and its weigh in day. I am very nervous. I just have no idea what that scale will say. But I know, after my little breakdown last Thursday, I will be fine no matter what the numbers say. Part of the balancing act is not letting the numbers measure your worth, yet they are a tangible evidence of progress. A number on the scale should not have the power to define your happiness. My joy and happiness started when I made the decision to take care of myself. It's not when that "magic" number appears on the scale.

 last time I lost a lot of weight, I was over the moon when my journey took me under 400 pounds. When I started gaining, and got back over 400, I felt ugly, and a failure. So how can the same number bring me emotions on both sides of the spectrum? What is joy and happiness anyway? I define it as being content with who you are, not what you are. Mine comes from who I am in Christ. I know that in spite of how I feel, I have the same value, always.

My motto today is, "do something" it fits in with the "progress not perfection" theory. If your task, day or workout seems overwhelming, STOP THINKING, and do something. As tiny as it may be, do it. You can't make progress doing nothing. Just do something, and most of the time, you will be surprised how much momentum you will gain. Have a great evening everyone! Blessings!

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