Monday, February 11, 2013

It's 4:17 AM!

   Well another sleepless night. It's my own falt, I have done very little this weekend. It's no excuse, but I was alone for days, and honestly, that last workout on Friday busted my butt! All of this inactivity messes up my sleep. I may as well get use to it, I'm starting to post about the pain far too much. As Honey Boo Boo's Momma June says, " it is what it is". I love that woman. Progress can really be painful.

   I'm anxious about Tuesdays weigh in. I've been really careful with food, in fact I eat under the Weight Watcher points I get. I may be wrong but some say if you don't eat enough your body holds the fat and goes into survival mode. I just don't buy that. I need to be consistent when eating my veggies. I eat plenty, but like yesterday, I did not eat enough. I'm looking into a local farmer here in the area that does a food coop. You pay an up front fee, and weekly,  from May through September you get lots of veggies and a good variety. Fresh veggies are hard for me to keep stocked, since I have help getting groceries so can't go frequently, and the price. It is kinda pricy to eat healthy.  So I'm praying I can come up with the money.

   I'm really working on moving forward and stops looking back. I think that's what had me stuck for so long. I kept reliving my past, wishing I could redo some of it, and grieving the losses, be it old friends, or family and friend that have passed away. I think too much, I'm alone and in the house too much. I know what to do. I just need to apply it. I know I'm doing great, but I can always do better. I'm not striving for mediocre, I'm striving for excellence. It's a lifetime process of sharpening the saw.

   Have a happy Monday everyone! Make the best of this fresh new day.

Laminations 3:23
Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.

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