Monday, February 11, 2013

Meat Loaf

   Dr. Phil says you can not rely on will power. What? I use to say, without willpower I would be even bigger, if that's possible. Then I listened closer. To be successful at weight loss you must set yourself up for suscess, not falilour.

   So, what does this have to do with meat loaf? Well I can't think of a better meal than my Moms meatloaf, with corn and mashed potatoes. Smothered in butter of course. And the left overs! It's so good to eat cold on a couple of pieces of buttered toast with a big glass of whole milk. Tonight I made meatloaf. I made it with a weight watcher recipe. I had roasted Brussels sprouts with it. I took a warm shower while it was cooking in my toaster oven. I do a lot of thinking in the shower, do you? I thought of those words of Dr Phil's. Now how can I apply this to my meal tonight? What are my biggest struggles? For one thing, portions, and the other leftovers. So after my shower, I went in the kitchen to plate my food. I carved off the approperate amount for one portion. Loaded the rest of my plate with my sprouts. And right then, wrapped the rest of the meatloaf in foil, and put it in the freezer. Imedeately! I did not ever let it cool off. I feel really good, kinda proud. Which boost my confidence and lowers temptations. Much better than hearing that meatloaf call my name about midnight, so I could sneak in the kitchen and finish it off. It will be frozen solid by then.

   Do you have habits that stop you from success? Things that sabotoge your goals. Maybe it's the extra big bag of chips that you can't leave alone after it's open. Maybe you need to buy them snack size. What about the food you have on hand for other family members or grandchildren. I know, I know, why should they have to suffer just because your will power is not strong enough? Well, trust me, they will suffer more when they find you dead on the kitchen floor. Besides, loving food is your love language, not theirs. There are many ways to love people without food. What about making a personal rule, no eating in the car and no drive ups. This allows you to think first before you just blow through McD's for that Big Mac special. Whatever it is, be really truthful with yourself and set your life up for success. Be blessed everyone! The workout mafia are coming tomorrow, I better get some rest!


  1. That is a wonderful idea! :) Way to go! Keep up the good work!

  2. Thanks Karen, I appreciate your feedback, and thanks for reading!
