Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tattle Tale

   Most of us that have been trying to lose weight, know deep down inside what it is that is keeping us from losing. It's just hard to face it, let alone expose it to someone. I believe we will never get a grip on this until we expose our most vulnerable and shameful habits to someone safe. That is a tough thing to do when we have protected ourselves so long from being judged and shamed. But this can be so healing. One reason being, we have created accountability. That is a powerful thing. I call it tattling on myself. Once it's out there, there is no turning back. But it does more. Being free elevates our self esteem and boosts confidence. And it only works if we tattle on Ourselves.  Most of the time it will not be recieved well if you try helping someone by tattling on them.  But you have to tattle to someone safe, someone on your team, someone you trust. I'm grateful I can do that with my team of trainers. As the weeks go by, I have developed a relationship that allows me to do this. Little by little more secrets I release and the freer I become. This makes the road to health so much easier.

   We can really be in denile of what is killing us. One fellow fatty I knew, in conversation, told me she had a refrigerator in her bedroom. She really thought it was no big deal that she, in her 40s, lived at home, spent most of her time in the bedroom and had a refrigerator in her room. It's pretty obvious to you and me that fridge was stoping her from getting up and moving around, it isolated her, and made binging more convient. When I called her on it she was livid! She got very defensive and it actually stressed our relationship. Another friend had a husband that sabotoged her weight loss efforts. He said he wanted her to lose weight, but kept bringing doughnuts and goodies home to his 400 pound wife. She ended up getting bypass surgery, and during her recovery her husband would bring her cheeseburgers and fast food. She died shortly after. This is serious you guys, it's those secrets that are killing us.

   It is really up to us to let down those guards and open your life for the world to see. When we do this, step by step the sun starts shining into our lives. And to those of you who are believers, it's scriptural. We are to confess our sins, disciple each other and be accountable. That is true tattle taling at its very best.

James 5:16
Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

Take care everyone, remember, people need people. Blessings! 

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